Wednesday, September 14, 2016

DIY Organizer |Video

Hey there! Here's a simple DIY on a Letter organizer. However, you can use this organizer for anything like crafts, paper, letters, and/or makeup like I'm doing plus more. Hope you guys really enjoy this tutorial. I want to let you know some of my footage is missing. I do go over and explain the parts that are missing. Very sorry about that. I don't know if it was the case my camera over heated and I didn't know and kept crafting ( which is likely) or that I just simply lost it, or simply never recorded it.

I filmed this last month in August and it's such a gap between now and then that I just can't remember.  Very sorry.

 The side
The Bottom

What you'll need :
 large piece foam board
scissors or exact-o knife
Hot glue gun
extra hot glue sticks
 8 of your choice of 12 x 12 Scrapbook paper

Sizes:                              height X width
Front and back   5 1/2 inches X 12 inches

Middle                6 1/2 inches X 12 Inches

Back                    8 inches X 12 inches

Sides     tallest part is 8 inches  angled down to a  5 1/2 inch X 5 1/2 inches wide

Width between front and middle is 3 inches and middle to back is 2  1/2 inches.

The dividers are  2 1/2 to 3 inches X 5 1/2

Anyway, hope you like it as is  hahaha  and if you do don't forget the give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already! Become a Crazy Crafter! 


Don't forget to subscribe to my You tube Channel (   Sew Crazy About Crafting You Tube)

Follow me on Instagram (@sewcrazyaboutcrafting ) I post on there more and you get kind of a behind the scenes  look at some of the crafts I make and don't post here

Follow me on Crafty Amino  (Sew Crazy About Crafting)

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  1. I love your tutorials! Fabulous! I learn not only how to make cool stuff, I also learn crafty shortcuts that I can use on other projects!!

    Thanks! Keep on posting!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad I helped you learn other things as well!
      I will!
