Friday, June 3, 2016

Meet Fawna!

So I would like you to meet my newest clay creation, Fawna! Her name seems appropriate  seeing as how she's a deer creature, girl, thing-a-ma-bob. Yeah.. that. 

ANYWAY, I'm so happy to have her completed. She's had some up and downs while I created her, but what artist  doesn't have complications with their art work. Let me just list a few of what happened.

1. I had her  almost completed and almost done baking when I decided I no longer wanted to do clay clothes on her. This caused me to have to break off and carve a lot of the clay clothes I had made for her off ...

2. I had to redo her body from carving off the remainder  of her clothes that just wouldn't break off.

3. I had to finish re baking her and in the process  of doing so I some how cracked her knee.

4. When I made her clothes for her and was sewing them on her I broke her shoulder of... I was able to glue it back together luckily, but it is no longer poseable .

Yeah.. I had other things that happened but I can't think of them off the top of my head. As I said before I like her but I always wish I could fix things after my project is complete.


(Please forgive some of the pictures from when I was working on her they are probably not the best quality. I was in a hurry to take them and continue my work :-)  )

I hope you like her as much as I do!

 Have a wonderful day! 

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