Wednesday, July 30, 2014

DIY: No Lace shoes!

This is a video tutorial by me on how to make no lace Shoes! Enjoy!

If you can't for some reason view the video below you can always visit my YouTube Channel.

Have a wonderful day!
I will be linking up to most of these parties!
As seen on


  1. I wanna do this to some of my shoes...I hate laces!!

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for stopping by!
      Have a wonderful day!

  2. I hate tying shoes - even my own. I usually just leave them tied up and slip them off and on. I hate it so much that my son who is almost 6 just got his first pair of tied shoes, lol. Thanks for linking up at Whatever Goes Wednesday. We'll be featuring this at Someday Crafts tomorrow :)

    1. Oh That is so Awesome! Thank you! I just love your blog too!
      I know how it goes on the not liking to tie shoes too. hahahahaha I dso the same thing if I can get away with it hahahaha!
      Thank you again!
      Have a wonderful day!

  3. Great tutorial!! I was never any good at getting my daughter's wriggly feet into lace up shoes, lol. I've got a Craft Gossip post scheduled for tomorrow evening that links to your tutorial:

  4. Thank you So much! I'll be over to check that out! Thank you again so much!
    Have a wonderful day!
