Thursday, May 9, 2013

Kids Wallet

    So today I have a awesome tutorial Lex helped me with. He was so proud of  his wallet he made and he did  a majority of the work. Which includes the sewing, . I was very proud of him. He listened quite well to the instructions. We did have one mistake but it was fixable. 
 He has been asking and asking and asking for me to teach him to sew. And Since I was in a wallet making mood (another wallet tutorial to come later) I decided to do a simple wallet with him.  With there not being a whole lot of things for boys out there clothes wise that's easy - or his style- to make I  gave in   decided that he was ready and I was ready to teach him. So, for our first little side lesson I showed him where the bobbin goes and the thread. I showed him how to thread the needle and So on and sew forth. Even though I was  the one to do the threading. He was happy to learn, I even gave him a little test asking him what every thing was and he spat it off so quick and confident.  He got every answer right. He was so proud! 
    Now enough of me  boasting about how awesome he is,because lets face it HE IS! HAHAHAHAHA
On to the Tutorial!!!!

What You'll Need:

  • 1 piece of  computer paper
  • 1/2 a yard or less of material of choice pre-treated
  • sewing machine
  •  scissors
  •  matching tread
  • pins
  • Pellon 809 decor bond or interfacing that is firm. Cut to 10x4 inches.
  • 3inch strip of Velcro 

Pin the paper and cut out 2 pieces of material.

Iron on your interfacing to the wrong side of your fabric.
 ( I only had a little left and it worked out if I cut it up like this so it would go across half of the material)

Line up your materials right sides together.
Please excuse the mess.

Pin in place
 Remember to leave an opening for turning( not shown here) 

Sew ,Sew,Sew! 1/4 in. seam allowance

 Clip your corners and turn right sides out.
 Not shown here: Top stitch all the way around to close up your hole.

Fold your material in half long ways, then fold it again( like a mans wallet would go) and line up where you would like your Velcro to go and mark .Unfold. Pin Velcro in place the sew around the edges. 
Unless you have the sticky back Velcro then just stick!

No once you have your Velcro on Fold in half long ways again and Sew up the sides.
 He just topped stitched it.

Put Money in and Enjoy!

Such a little ham. He loves when its picture time.

Hope you enjoy mine and Lex's tutorial.
Don't forget, if you have questions do not hesitate to ask.

Have a Wonderful day!!!



  1. Lex & Ashleigh! That is great! WOW . . .



  2. Very nice
    Your boy so cute
    From no r weekend party
