Friday, October 19, 2012

Crafty Friday! Oink Oink!

So today's crafty project is a cute little piggy bank Lex and I made. They came out great!  I made one for Emma too. Hahahaha!
 I saved two formula can's to make something with Lex. So I looked up things to do. I found someone said piggy bank. So I got the idea of a " Piggy" Bank  :-) 

They turned out great. Lots of fun too!
So here they Are!

Oh and I used card stock paper.

So  I started off in the Cricut craft room because that's where cut the shapes. I used the Accents essentials cartridge(swirls and circles and the ovals(that are not shown here))  and The Plantain SchoolBook ( diamonds)

 Poke two holes in the ovals for the nose.

 Fold the diamonds in half  to cut into ears.

I used this punch out to make the  eye lashes on Emma's piggy.

On the strip of paper I used for the nose is 5 1/2 inches long 1 inch wide.
The oval is 2 x 1 1/2 inches wide.
Hot glue the paper to the can. As you roll it make sure its even. My paper ended up not being long enough so I had to add paper to the back.

On the eye so it looks 3D-ish put a big glob of hot glue on the side you want to stick out, push down slightly 

I Put hot glue on the top and bottom part of the nose. But I found out while I was gluing Lex's pig nose on if I put it all around and pushed it down it worked better and  made it more sturdy.

I used Scotch quick drying glue for the tail.

Hot glue for the ears.

I just took a screw driver to the lid cause its what I had beside me.

This is lex making his.


Him making the eye's

I put the hot glue on but he rolled it on.


On his nose I added about another 1/2 inch or so so it will over lap and glue better

Here's Both of them! Hope you like them!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. ash this is really it very're an awesome mom ...I'm so happy to see lex having a good time....thanks for sharing this great idea...sooo cute and I love the idea of the piggys eye lashes...

    1. Thank you! You made me smile :-) Lex was very excited to make the bank too :-)

  2. holy cow. it ate all my words again.

    Well then, I love this stuff! You are an excellent blogger. How's about a story, too. You can give us a paragraph during nap time! LOL

    The banks were awesome!

    I am going to figure out how to comment the right way.

    1. Lol thanks! And I told you I want to publish that so I'm going to keep it to my self I don't want someone to find it steal it lol. Plus I haven't been able to work in it I have writers block.

  3. by the way, this is yo momma, mimi, and mommainlaw
